Five reasons why your Not-For-Profit needs to automate

Alessia Mastroianni
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Giving back to communities and charities has always been a key motivation in my life. I have taken part in various not-for-profit (NFP) events and volunteered at local charities, however, I spend most of my time in the office. Lately, I’ve been wondering how I could make a difference with the work that I do.

A few months ago, the MD of the UK Salesforce Practice, announced a multi-cloud project for one of the largest national NFPs and I was assigned to support the delivery of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud solution.



Alessia Mastroianni

Marketing Automation Architect working at Salesforce. 6x Salesforce certified. Salesforce #MarketingChampion 2020.